Bestow Your Project to History Students

Unpaid internship

Do you need punctual expertise for projects of a historical nature? Do you wish to create and host a historical and cultural event? Are you doing historical research? Generating historical archives? Indexing or highlighting a collection? Leave your project in the hands of history graduates from Université de Sherbrooke.


Learn by doing

Each intern invests 70 unpaid work hours into your project. This project must, however, be approved by the Département d’histoire to ensure that it meets the training objectives. These internships are a precious opportunity to gain practical experience, all while becoming familiar with particularities of the workplace in their field.

Students can contribute to your organization’s mission in many ways :

  • Conceiving and hosting cultural historical events such as exhibitions and educational activities for diverse public audiences.
  • Research and redaction on a variety of historical themes.
  • Management and handling of archives for a historical based activity.
  • Participating in projects related to history which warrant numerical skills.

Who can submit an offer for an intern?

In order to benefit from collaboration with an intern, the organization must :

  • Work in the field of history or offer an experience that can solicit. competencies developed within the scope of training for a bachelor’s degree in history (museums, history societies, community organizations, municipalities, heritage centres, tourism, multimedia, etc.)
  • Provide a workspace to the student.
  • Offer adequate structure to the intern.
  • Plan-specific and varied duties over a period of 70 hours.



The organizations must submit an application in September or October. The internships usually occur between January 31 to April 8 (the dates are flexible). The internship propositions are submitted to students in November. The students have a short period to apply for the positions. Following an established procedure, the appointee will proceed to pairing interns.

Submit an offer for an internship

You must fill out the online form by end-October. The terms and conditions are established in an internship agreement signed by all parties: the student, the organization, and the person responsible for the internships (a representative from Université de Sherbrooke.)

At your service