Entrust Your Project to Future Chemical Engineers

Chemical processing design

Do you have an original project in chemical processing design? A team of engineering students at the Université de Sherbrooke can help you turn it into an industrial reality.

Major conception projects

A chemical processing design project requires a host of advanced skills. Chemical engineering students learn these skills! Give them the mandate and they will work as a team to benefit your project.

During the bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering, students must work as a team on a major project. Each member of the team will invest 450 hours of work, representing 1,800 to 3,100 hours of student expertise. Based on your needs, the team will develop feasible solutions and actively participate in the various stages of chemical processing design.

To be eligible, a project must require work equivalent to the preliminary engineering of a plant or part of an existing or developing industrial process. Note that preliminary market analysis, site selection, environmental and life cycle impact analysis and economic analysis are part of these design projects. For the complete list of criteria, contact the supervisor.

At your service