Have Your Project Designed by Future Computer Specialists

Major projects in computer science

Propose a final project to computer science students from Université de Sherbrooke. The students will be at your service by applying their advanced knowledge.

Desired clientele

The desired customers are NGOs or community organizations. The projects are held in teams and each student must invest between 135 and 270 work hours stretched over a trimester (15 weeks). It is possible to propose projects in the following fields:

  • Computer Security
  • Video Games
  • Distributed Systems and Web
  • E-Commerce
  • Management Systems
  • Etc.

Examples of previous projects

  • Computer Security Competition – HackUS
  • Computer Abuse Software Analysis (OCTAS finalist – Relève étudiante category)
  • Animation Management Engines
  • Wine Cellar Management
  • Controlling a robot in immersion mode
  • Controlling a remote drone with hand movements
  • Visual Mixing Tables (OCTAS finalist – Relève étudiante category)

For more inspiration, discover team achievements from previous years.

At your service