Trust Your Project in the Hands of Future Geomatics Professionals

Urban planning and sustainable development

Do you have an original project related to land development, sustainable mobility, or in need of expertise in applied geomatics related to the environment? A team of students from Université de Sherbrooke can put their expertise to work, serving you.

Université de Sherbrooke

Learn by doing

In the bachelor’s program in géomatique appliquée à l’environnement, students must work on real-life situations submitted by regional county municipalities, organizations, businesses, or citizen associations from Estrie. Each year, tens of businesses or associations call on the knowledge of future geomatic professionals to tackle a problem related to the physical, human, or economic environment.

The team members invest a total of 540 work hours per project and make recommendations to the organizations. The mandate can also be a geomatic study or project related to sustainable transport and mobility, or land development.

To be eligible, a project must meet certain benchmarks (market analysis, site selection, environmental impact analysis). For the complete criteria list, contact the supervisor.

Examples of projects

  • Maps of habitat potential for waterfowl in forested Quebec.
  • Quote for the development of an interactive and dynamic tool for searching spatially referenced data.
  • Determination and characterization of urban heat islands in Sherbrooke.
  • Evaluation of the ecological potential of aquatic environments in the Appalachian Mountains region: application for southeastern Quebec.
  • Multi-temporal analysis of the retention capacity in the Salmon River watershed.
  • Evaluation of the scenic potential for roads in the Eastern Township tourist region.

See the Project List carried out in recent years.


Projects are undertaken by a team of 3 to 4 students taking a bachelors in géomatique appliquée à l’environnement in the Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines at l’Université de Sherbrooke, under the supervision of experts.

At your service