Observe the Tree Cycle

Track your tree

Researchers at Bishop’s University need your help to document the impacts of climate change on the annual cycle of trees.

Observe the evolution of trees

Choose a tree, any tree. It can be in your yard, in a park, on your street… A tree that is a landmark in your environment and that will become your object of observation throughout the seasons.

Observe its changes:

  • When does it bud?
  • When do the leaves start to unfold?
  • When does it start to change colours in autumn?

Your contribution counts

Scientists can’t cover every territory, so they need your eyes to see what’s happening in your area! This citizen science project invites you to transmit the information necessary to measure the effects of climate change on the trees in our region. The data collected today will be very useful in a few years to understand the effect of climate change.

Want to participate?

Nothing could be easier! Enter your observations on the Tree Traque website. You’ll find out how to do it.

And why not make it a family activity? Your observation exercise will allow you to learn to discover and recognize the great diversity of tree species in Quebec and to carefully observe the cycle of nature through the seasons.

Access  to the Tree Traque website

At your service

This Bishop’s University research project is made possible by the financial support of the Tomlinson Foundation. See the Track Your Tree website for full details.