Put Future Doctors in Charge of a Project

Looking for partner organizations

In the scope of the academic Leadership project in medicine, students undergoing their doctorate in medicine at Université de Sherbrooke complete a project that will allow them to develop their aptitudes in leadership and collaboration.

Université de Sherbrooke

Les projets n’ont pas besoin d’être en lien avec la santé ou la médecine, bien au contraire! Les projets peuvent être très variés.

The projects must:

  • Be related to improving the overall health and well-being of people and the population.
  • Target a specific population and respond to a need.
  • Respect the calendar of academic activities.
  • Respect the approximate number of hours provided and be of adequate size for a team of 5 to 7 students.
  • Do not require students to search for funding (unless the project is a fundraiser)
  • Allow the teams to mobilize the knowledge acquired in the courses on project management: distribution of roles, budget planning, scheduling, deliverables, etc.


The work is ensured by students in their second year of their doctorate in medicine. Each team invests a total of 65 hours into the project (20 hours of planning and 45 hours of realization). The student team, is supervised by a member of personnel from the Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé.

At your service


Since 2018, almost 90 projects have taken place in the community. Discover the projects completed between our partner organizations in 2020-2021!