The work is carried out by students from the Études françaises et québécoises Department, who are supervised by an expert Professor from Bishop’s University.
Did you know… you can benefit from Bishop’s University students’ translation expertise, free of cost ?
Students in Études françaises et québécoises take English to French translation assignments as practice. Translation is possible for general texts, and website content (partial or full), depending on the lesson plan and deadlines.
This translation service is offered through the translation course Traduction en contexte réel. Under professor supervision, students are able to translate short general texts of various natures and fields (non-specialized).
Services are offered to the general public, as well as organizations and foundations in the Estrie.
The work is carried out by students from the Études françaises et québécoises Department, who are supervised by an expert Professor from Bishop’s University.
Depending on the university terms (fall, winter, spring, summer) and the courses offered.
Faculty of Arts and Science, Université Bishop’s
819 822-9600 #2050
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