Train Students to Intervene When They Witness Sexual Violence

Bishop's and Champlain campuses

The financial support of the PRESE has made it possible to pool the human and financial resources of the two institutions, which share the same campus, in order to implement a training programme for the student community to become active witnesses ready to intervene in situations where sexual violence may occur.

The Active Bystander Education Program hired a part-time resource to bridge the gap between the two institutions, recruited local trainers, brought in an expert speaker from McGill University to train local trainers, organized workshops for the student community, coordinated the production of awareness videos, and promoted the activities to the student community.

The workshops focused on the notion of sexual consent, the identification of problematic situations, ways to intervene safely when witnessing a problematic situation and appropriate reactions to a situation of disclosure of sexual violence.

The coordinator is also working to find other ways to make the programme sustainable.

Partenaires du projet

Project team

This project was made possible thanks to $42 928 of PRESE financial support, as part of the 2019 call for research proposals.

We talk about the project
