Bringing Forward and Consolidating an Entrepreneurial Education Ecosystem in Estrie.

Project E4

Pôle entrepreneuriat collégial Estrie
Thanks to a second grant from the PRESE, in 2020-2021 the Pôle d’entrepreneuriat collégial de l’Estrie (PECE) instituted entrepreneurial programs in education for the Estrie student community.

During the pandemic, the PECE created online workshops with themes inspired by student concerns, centered around the search for meaning in unprecedented times of crisis. These workshops regroup 206 students among 7 programs. It has also allowed for the mobilisation of expertise of an ecosystem among students from the 3 colleges and has provided networking opportunities for youth. Finally, the progress supported by the PRESE over the last 2 years make it possible to foresee new ways of financing to sustain this important inter-establishment collaboration.

Entrepreneurship activities for students

Activities adapted for the pandemic (fall 2020)

In total, 206 students from 7 different programs participated in activities.

  • Online worshop « Entreprendre sa vie dans un contexte de grandes perturbations » (25 students).
  • Workshop on team entrepreneurship (18 students).
  • Online workshop about ideation (25 students).
  • 4 workshops on « l’être ensemble » at the heart of the student project (128 students).
  • Mobilisation of expertise of the ecosystem among students from the 3 colleges and networking opportunities for youth.
  • At Cégep de Sherbrooke: Expert Intervention frpm Desjardins Entreprises de la Caisse de Sherbrooke and from the AED de l’UdeS in the final presentations of the “Lancer son commerce” course.
  • At Collégial du Séminaire de Sherbooke: interventions from students who are members of Enactus at UdeS (impact entrepreneurship) in the final presentations from the “Commercialisation de la mode” course.

Learning community (teachers and staff)

  • A workshop to share practices and visions surrounding entrepreneurial pedagogy for teachers and college staff.
  • Online workshop “Éducation entrepreneuriale : levier dans la crise ?”
  • Codevelopment of an innovative educational entrepreneurial activity, tailored to the pandemic situation.
  • Exchanges to support students on their path to finding meaning and caring for psychological well-being.
  • Support for teachers to reflect on entrepreneurial pedagogy.
  • Coming up with ideas/Ideation with two teachers from Cégep de Sherbrooke on elaborating a trajectory course centered around the student.
  • Real-life pedagogical discourse with teachers and staff from the 3 colleges.

Partenaires du projet

Project team

Marie-Gabrielle Texier

Conseillère en stratégie et développement

Accélérateur entrepreneurial Desjardins (AED), Université de Sherbrooke

Claudie Théberge

Conseillère d'orientation

Collégial du Séminaire de Sherbrooke

Clément Moliner-Roy

Conseiller en entrepreneuriat social

Accélérateur entrepreneurial Desjardins (AED), Université de Sherbrooke

Jean Bibeau


Accompagnateur entrepreneurial Desjardins, Université de Sherbrooke

Denis Bédard

Professeur to Département de pédagogie

Faculté d'éducation, Université de Sherbrooke

Mélissa Philippe


Projet d'éducation entrepreneuriale au collège (PEEC)

Maude Sévigny

Agente de développement

Pôle d'entrepreneuriat collectif de l'Estrie

We talk about the project
