Creating an Urban Farm as a Multidisciplinary Learning Lab

This urban agriculture project is a group initiative made up of educators from 7 departments at the college and university levels who are mindful of the current environmental problems and motivated to take concrete actions to reduce the human ecological footprint.
The objective of this multidisciplinary educational project is to add a sustainable development dimension to many of the college programs and to generate profit from the sales of vegetable and fish harvests. The initial project aimed at creating spaces for vegetable and fish production in four recycled maritime containers serving as an incubator for innovative educational projects and to the development of creative technological and ecological solutions. Through 2020-2021, several stages of planning and testing on aquaponic equipment were undertaken.
However, facing a lack of maritime containers and obstacles related to municipal legislation, this project has been forced to change its course. The partners are still active and discussions are ongoing to redirect the project all while maintaining the initial pedagogical objectives.
Partenaires du projet
Project team
Joëlle Guay

Conseillère pédagogique et enseignante en gestion agricole
Cégep de Sherbrooke
819 347-9482
Contact me
Jean-Philippe Gaulin

Enseignant to Département des techniques de laboratoire, biotechnologies
Cégep de Sherbrooke
Élaine Mosconi

Professeure to Département de systèmes d'information et méthodes quantitatives de gestion
École de gestion, Université de Sherbrooke
Hélène Beaumont

Enseignante to Département de Gestion et technologies d'entreprises agricoles
Cégep de Sherbrooke
Valérie Charest

Technicienne to Département de Gestion et technologies d'entreprises agricoles
Cégep de Sherbrooke
Anthony Barrette

Étudiant, spécialiste en aquaponie to Département de génie mécanique
Faculté de génie, Université de Sherbrooke
This project was made possible thanks to $50 000 of PRESE financial support, as part of the 2020 call for research proposals.