Have a Future Engineer Design Your Project

Mechanical, Electric, Computer, Robotic or Mixed Engineering

Turn your innovative ideas into reality thanks to a team of engineering students at the Université de Sherbrooke!

Major conceptualization projects

Turn your innovative ideas into a spectacular reality thanks to a team of engineer students at Université de Sherbrooke! This is offered to all organizations or companies working in mechanical, electrical, computer, or robotic engineering (or in a combination of these disciplines).

The Faculté de génie is always looking for new engineering listings for major conceptualization projects. Projects can implement the four disciplines individually or as a combination: electrical engineering, computer engineering, mechanical engineering, and robotic engineering.


Each year, the Faculté de génie organises the Expo MégaGÉNIALE, the largest university engineering fair in all of Canada! Graduates from the 8 engineering programs in the Faculty present their final projects during the reputable exposition which attracts over 5000 participants.

To have a better understanding of the span and variety of the projects, consult last years Album des projets de conception.


The main conceptualization projects are carried out by teams of bachelor’s students in the Faculté de génie at the Université de Sherbrooke under the supervision of expert professors. The project is spread over the last three trimesters of the program. Each team is made up of 6 to 8 people, for a total of 3 240 to 4 320 hours of work.


The team of students take on the work free of cost, but the business or organization must take responsibility for costs associated with the project (ei: materials purchased). It is equally possible to submit projects with the request for partial or total funding. The submitted projects are selected by teams of students based on the overall attraction of the proposition.


The projects must be submitted by November 15. The date is susceptible to slight changes from year to year. It is recommended to check the Projets majeurs de conception en génie page. The propositions are evaluated by a process which directly involves students, with the goal of making groups who will defend the proposition before a jury at the beginning of the following summer trimester.

At your service


Any person that desires to make a project proposition needs to acknowledge the guidelines available on the Projets majeurs de conception en génie page.