Help Your Child Overcome Learning Difficulties

Clinique Pierre-H.-Ruel

Overcome the obstacles! The Pierre-H-Ruel special education school-clinic offers low-cost services to elementary, secondary and even adult learners with learning difficulties.


You benefit from services

The Clinique Pierre-H.-Ruel welcomes elementary and secondary school students who have learning difficulties or emotional and social adjustment problems in a school context. An evaluation, an intervention plan and a systematic follow-up are carried out by the students under the supervision of qualified resource persons.

Issues addressed

  • learning difficulties in French (reading – writing)
  • learning difficulties in mathematics
  • problems with school motivation and emotional difficulties in learning
  • behavioural problems

Services for adult learners

Also, in partnership with the Centre de formation aux adultes Saint-Michel, interventions offered to adults with learning difficulties are adapted to the reality of adults. Needs assessment, individual intervention planning and educational actions are carried out by students who are supervised by competent trainers.

Your contribution

By benefiting from the services of this school-clinic, you actively contribute to the training of future professionals in special education. Since 2003, each year, more than 300 students offer services to about fifty children and adults at the Clinique Pierre-H. Ruel. What distinguishes this clinic from other help centres is that it is integrated into the baccalauréat en adaptation scolaire et sociale. From September to January, all students in years 2 to 4 will spend the equivalent of 7 credits from their training program directly in the clinic. Each year of training will focus on a different role: observation (year 2), intervention (year 3) and assessment support (year 4), in order to develop an appropriate intervention plan that meets the needs of the individual.


You must register on a waiting list for these services. You will receive confirmation of access to the service in the weeks before the intervention sessions begin. You will then have access to thirteen sessions, which will take place from mid-September to the end of January.

Website of the clinic

At your service


The student must have attended school for at least one year and have academic results below 70% in French or mathematics. The support covers schooling from the first year of elementary school to the first cycle of secondary school. The student undertakes to attend all the sessions scheduled in the calendar. Files are treated in accordance with the confidentiality standards in effect at the Faculté d’éducation of the Université de Sherbrooke. The clinic does not offer diagnostic assessments, homework assistance or psychological services.