Give a Graphic Design Mandate to a Creative Student Team

Studio internship

Find an effective, original and inexpensive graphic solution by providing a mandate to graphic designers in training at the Cégep de Sherbrooke.

Studio internship is the culminating activity and the internship for graduates in the Techniques de graphisme du Cégep de Sherbrooke. The activity takes place in the winter session where real projects are assigned to student teams who have the mandate to solve clients’ graphic requests under the supervision of two teachers, specialists in graphic design.

Standard mandates

  • Visual identity
  • Packaging design
  • Kinetic design (Motion Design)
  • Stationery kit
  • Promotional leaflet
  • Corporate brochure
  • Web interface design

The mission of internships is to help students make the transition from school to the workplace by placing them in a context that is as close as possible to the reality of the market. Carrying out concrete projects, meeting real clients, learning to work under pressure and as part of a team… Studio internship is all of this and more! As in real life, the mandates are varied and the clients have specific needs.

At your service


The mandates must be fairly large and challenging, but must be finalized within the winter term, as the students complete their programme. Approximately 20 projects are selected each year from among those submitted.