Legal information is provided by students in the baccalauréat en droit, under the supervision of teachers from the Faculté de droit of the Université de Sherbrooke.
Law students at the Université de Sherbrooke provide you with free relevant legal information that can help you understand your rights, obligations and remedies in a conflict situation.
La Clé de vos droits is a FREE legal information service covering several areas of law*:
* La Clé de vos droits does not consider any applications relating to criminal and immigration law.
Services are provided on a voluntary basis by students enrolled in the baccalauréat en droit at the Université de Sherbrooke, in the context of a clinical activity where they are placed in real-life situations to promote the development of their professional skills.
Legal information is provided by students in the baccalauréat en droit, under the supervision of teachers from the Faculté de droit of the Université de Sherbrooke.
Varies by quarter. Please contact us. Clinic closed during the holidays.
Campus principal de l’Université de Sherbrooke
Faculté de droit
Pavillon A7, local 267
Faculté de droit, Université de Sherbrooke
8198218000 #65221
Contact me
Law students are not in a position to give opinions, advice or views as a lawyer or notary would, as they are not members of the Barreau du Québec or the Chambre des notaires. If they cannot answer your question, they will direct you to the right resources. Nor can they interpret the legal scope of certain documents or draft them. The handling of client information remains confidential. Only colleagues or supervisors will have access to it. Although students are not subject to the solicitor-client privilege afforded to lawyers, they will not pass on information to anyone unless required by law to do so.