S’unir pour innover : le rôle des pôles en enseignement supérieur au Québec

2021 Conference Held by ACFAS



This conference, inaugurated by the Minister of Higher Education, Mrs. Danielle McCann, aimed to demonstrate the dynamic nature of these new regional cooperation structures that began to emerge in the Spring of 2018.

Regrouping the regional cégeps and universities, the Hubs look to find original, relevant solutions to regional challenges. Even with different objectives between the Hubs, the goal is the same: supporting collaboration between higher-education establishments, benefiting from teaching and research expertise.

The first day of the conference informed about the contributions of the Regional Higher Education Hubs by shedding light on the cooperation between scientific researchers and the administration from different establishments.

The discussions laid a basis for reflecting on the challenges related to such collaborations and their implications on a regional and broader scale. The second day gave way to presentations on diverse innovative collaboration initiatives in teaching and research, thanks to the PRESEs support. These collaborative projects highlight varied partnership models between higher education establishments and local organisations.

You can find out more about the conference program on the ACFAS website.


Partenaires du projet

A $5000 grant was attributed to the organisers of the Congrès de l’ACFAS 2021 to support the collaboration between Université de Sherbrooke and Bishop’s University: co-organisers of the congress.

We talk about the project
