Documenting the Prevention and Intervention Initiatives in Estrie on the Matters of Sexual Violence.
Shedding light on efforts made in the Estrie higher education context

Since the adoption of the Act to Prevent and Fight Sexual Violence in Higher Education Establishments (VACS), each college and university has adopted their own policy as to prevention and intervention.
Estrie has been a precursor in the collective development of matters pertaining to Sexual Violence (VACS). The current project allowed for the consolidation of a practicing body in the realm of college communities and universities in Estrie, along with community organisations and partners from the area. A repertoire of actions for intervenors responsible for the prevention and intervention of matters pertaining to Sexual Violence was created, updated yearly, and made available for online use. This coordination meets the demands of moderate sized establishments who, due to their size, find themselves with less resources.
Take for example, awareness and training activities aimed towards groups with specific needs and the modern situations such as sexual cyber-violence. Tangibly, the project has the objective of documenting and sharing prevention exercises (including awareness and workshops) and holding interventions pertaining to Sexual Violence (VACS).
The portrait created allows;
1) To evaluate the appropriate progression and sufficiency of the activities being offered by each college and university-level establishment.
2) To examine the possibility of sharing some services (for example training or prevention workshops, and specialised ressources).
3) To repair topics that are insufficiently covered in the breadth of the actions undertaken on a regional scale; especially when it comes to awareness and training.
4) To identify groups of students who have specific needs for training.
5) To determine the objectives for customized training tailored to the intervenor staff members on the front line and working with students.
To the student community, the message is clear: the region stands firmly behind student safety and well-being. The picture depicted of the activities and services offered will identify the issues that need to be addressed regionally, the solutions, and any gaps that need to be filled.
Partenaires du projet
Project team
Geneviève Paquette

Professeure to Département de psychoéducation
Faculté d'éducation, Université de Sherbrooke
Geneviève Côté

Conseillère en matière de respect des personnes
Équipe-conseil en matière de respect des personnes, Université de Sherbrooke
800 267-8337 #67410
Contact me
Valérie Massicotte

Personne-ressource désignée en matière de VACS
Cégep de Sherbrooke
819 564-6350 #5129
Contact me
Natasha Dionne

Personne-ressource désignée en matière de VACS
Collège Champlain - Lennoxville
819 564-3666 #2400
Contact me
This project was made possible thanks to $48 273 of PRESE financial support, as part of the 2021 call for research proposals.